Sunday, March 25, 2012

Post #8 Big K.R.I.T.- 4eva N A Day

     "What a difference a day makes..." True words spoken by a man who seemingly understands the value of time and truly understands that time in itself should be one of our most cherished commodities. Most however take days for granted and do not realize that one day could indeed make all the difference in the world, You ever heard the phrase "Here Today...Gone Tomorrow"? I thought so. With that being said, Big K.R.I.T.  decided use his time wisely and drop "4Eva N A Day" to many a bated breath around the world, shoot I know I was anticipating this release since "Return of 4Eva" dropped a year ago. The aforementioned 4Eva album even made number 3 on my "Top 10 Albums of 2011" list back in December. Saying that I'm a fan of his music is a severe understatement. The question remains however, does this album contain the same flare and cohesion that his previous efforts did, or will he decide to rest on his laurels and assume that people will like it any way simply because of who he is at this point?
    "8:04" is a spoken intro that sets off this album and lets you know that he not resting, but in fact he is waking up and trying to drop some jewels on you before you start your morning. The production on  "Wake Up" is ALWAYS on point and is something you would WANT to listen to while you walk or drive to go get your coffee and donuts. "Yesterday" is a 2 and a half minute ode to his dearly departed Grandmother.  This song is so heartfelt that you feel every word...and you completely empathize with the notion of waking up with a heavy heart while you're thinking about your loved ones that have passed on. "Boobie Miles" is more jewel dropping from Krit, he's basically telling you to seize the day and don't take any crap from any one thats trying to detract from that. By the time "4evaNaDay Theme" comes on you realize that you're only 5 songs deep and you haven't skipped a track yet...It's a great feeling when you can do that... trust me.
     When the next song starst Krit gets all selfish and goes "Me and My Old School" on everybody and just rides around the hood in his "1986". Both songs are ride worthy and you can't help but realize that its Midday and its sunny. While you ride however you definitely need those "Country Rap Tunes" while you enjoy that day. "Sky Club" is the "cook out" part of the album and you made it to about 3pm and you're with your homies eating, drinking, and playing spades or dominoes and contemplating or whether or you not you want to go to club. Before that happens, you see that you have 3 miss calls and a voice message.
     "Red Eye" deals with the relationship aspect of your day. Your girl is calling and wondering where your relationship is headed and why you wont make more of an effort to be together...It's more serious than its sounds but you not trying to let anything slow you down on this day, you'll get back to her later. "Down & Out" is the part of the cook out when you come back from the bathroom phone call and get real quiet and your friends start to notice. While you go on that liquor run at the " Package Store" you run into the Pastor buying some spirits, Wine-O's gossiping and the jack boys trying to get that 200 you have in your pocket. You make it through all of that and get back to the backyard and all of your friends decide to go to the shake joint for some grub and some legs.
     "Temptation" is a bitch however, you know you have your girl back home but for some reason you feel the need to go there and relieve the stress that she placed on your head a few hours ago. "Handwriting" brings the listener back in to Krit's reality and lets you know what he's dealing with mentally while all we all just sit back and enjoy the music. It's certainly not sunny on his side but he's going to take everything in stride and keep making music for him and the underground.
     When you get to the end of this album, hopefully you realized that this was a well conceived project. What's so genius about this project is that it literally took you through a day in the life of one of hip-hop's most promising artist. Def Jam signed him a few months back and hopefully they don't water down what he's been offering. This album is without a doubt stellar and I hope that by the time his "mainstream" album drops, his talent will be undeniable. Long live a King Remembered In Time.