Thursday, August 14, 2014

#IfTheyGunnedMeDown.....The Questions.....

     In the wake of the loss of innocent life (and yes I mean innocent...there was no weapon found) I realized that I actually possess a platform to voice my passions...I used most of that time to write about my passions (rap, movies, humor) BUT as of right now...none of that feels important or even evokes any kind of feeling in me.  Mike Brown Jr. was a know...not yet an adult...I mean sure he reached the age of majority..but how many of you can say you were all-knowing and all growed up at the age 18?.........OK Done Waiting.....The answer is NONE OF YOU!...Why was his life so mercilessly taken?....Even if he DID steal something from a store...Who appointed Judge Dredd to St. Louis County to be the Judge, Jury, and Executioner?
      The past few days have been a lesson in perception, race, equality and human rights. Where was this kids' due process? The cop in question could have easily taken Mike Brown Jr. (A Child) back to the store in question and really got to the bottom of the incident in question. Simple Math right? Here's where perception played its fateful role in all of this....Hate to break it to many of my brothers out here but we are perceived as major threats to the "majority". I've lost count of how many times white women have clutched their purses a little tighter or white men have made sure their car doors were locked...HELL...I've lost count of how many times BLACK men and women have done the same thing. Why does our self perception mirror that of the same people that have baseless and most times illogical/pathological fears of us? I guess the same reason why there are "Bait Cars" throughout many of the inner cities in America.
      Let the media-media tell it though...and all we care about is  Love and Hip Hop and Whether or Not Future really cheated on Ciara...As if the actual video footage of Mike Brown Jr. (A Child) laying lifeless in the street with his blood streaming from his body FOR HOURS wasn't jarring enough. This could have been my little brother, cousin, older brother, neighbor..whatever it doesn't matter...he was a HUMAN took a painfully long amount of time for ONE cop or paramedic to cover Mike Brown Jr's (A Child) body with the white sheet. but the crime scene tape went up with no hesitation. I'm not going to rant about conspiracy theories but there are certain parallels to leaving bodies out in the street like roadkill to send a message whether it be overt or subliminal.
     Where was Mike Brown Jr's (A Child) human dignity even in death? Like I stated earlier...even if he was guilty...or "resisted" mean to tell me there was no non-lethal alternative to subduing a suspect? Rubber Bullets hurt just like real ones....There is absolutely no justification for this cop to have shot Mike Brown Jr. (A Child) 8-10 times...none... Even if he ran.. and the cop HAD to mean to tell me that this "trained" officer of the law didn't have enough aim to shoot Mike Brown Jr (A Child) in the leg?....he wanted to "stop" this kid and for those of you not in the know Stop= Kill....that's what shooting a CHILD 8-10 times tells me.
     In ending...I fear that this tragedy and many others like this are far from over. Knowing that there is an actual "Media Blackout" taking place in 2014 (The Information Era) is beyond terrifying. The fact that there are eyewitnesses NOT being interviewed is terrifying. The fact that some black folks are really trying to say that "black on black crime happens every day"(which I am not disputing here) is sad and shameful in some respects. At the end of this the TRUTH of the matter is that Mike Brown Jr. (A CHILD) is dead and EVERYONE  is missing that point.....

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