Friday, April 17, 2015

Dre Skuffs- Chill Pill 2


     Dre Skuffs has been grinding...Figuratively and Literally...GRIN-DINGGG (Pharrell Voice). From the early inception of the album cover and the brilliant marketing strategy that showcased Chill Pill Bottles with USB  Flash Drives enclosed showed the kind of Old School Meets New School drive that would push anybody that was on the fence about the sound and feel of this album to get off said fence and just press play.

"Chill-Tro" opens up the project with a dream-like voice that's works like the Surgeon General's warning...but not to fret it will be a pleasurable experience..As the pill begins to take effect Dre enters with a onslaught of flows that draws you into every bar and sets the tone for you're about hear on the next track

"Sour" may have a misleading title and one may think that the 2nd track may be an ode to many a smoker strand of choice...but after the initial mention of the literal...its really a song about the act of
"Feeling Sour" as in the mood when people try to get over on you on purpose and you're basically tired of shoveling shit. The production on this track really compliments Dre as he slinks and slides through the guitar licks and horn sections.

"Its All Good" Is the opposite of the sour feeling...The sentiment states that even though life is salty and will bring you down at times...Its still all good..Each verse speaks on the trials of just living life from a youngster to a grown man but in the end...its what you go through that shapes you as an adult...Its All Good...enjoy the sunshine.

"In My Sleep" If you took the pill correctly you should be in that lucid part of your dreams and your sub-conscious starts to get a little trippy. Each verse speaks on the under belly of dark thoughts. Its these unhinged feelings that most of us try to leave in the back of our mind...but try as we might...they still lurk and only brave enough souls need to trek down that path to try and gain clarity for whatever your troubles may be.

"Dim Lights" After the that brief intermission things pick up some. Its more of a boisterous track that has Dre rapping at his most confident...Like a rebirth of the slick or cool..Which works well because it seems like its a segue  to the next track.

"Back 2 Real" is so swanky and gritty at the same time. The airy horn section is on point once again and the strings add the perfect accent to all the artist featured on this track (Rudder and Big Rod)...This song gives me that Camp Lo "Luchini" feel meaning that it feels nostalgic but current and its just works to put it plainly. "Now Give Me Something To Roll"

"Wait Now" Is a subtle banger...This song really allows Dre to shine as he assaults the track with confident flows while the hook is the driving force behind this the beat picks up when the hook comes in... The contrast of how the song starts to when it ends adds an element of beauty. True album cut right here.

"Just Ride" Is self explanatory...If Back 2 Real was Camp-Lo then this song is undoubtedly something from the early 2000's Neo-Soul movement..And Dre understands he gets in and lays down a smooth verse and gets out..and lets the song sail this time you should be floating as well...I love the smokey..dimly lit jam session vibe that I get from this song..Real rider music.

"Natural Juice" has a slower groove but it is as equally strong as Just Ride..N-Omega jumps from behind the boards and into the booth and enhances the track...The natural chemistry between the two is evident here and the by the time Dre comes through on the 2nd verse...its clear that these two need to do more songs together...its really works.

"Get Get Paid-Victory Is Mine" Is a two-parter that shows both sides of the coin. Get Paid is more or less an anthem of inspiration that's imploring all of us to get up get out an get at all cost. Victory is Mine is the declaration of triumph because we don't have time to waste so hustle hard ya'll til we stars ya'll.

"Hustlin and Pimpin" Speaks on the dichotomy of life in the urban settings. The first verse is fun and games but right behind that is the underlying truth that this lifestyle is a dead-end..As you listen you can hear Dre's voice cracking and that whats makes the songs more human and Its that vulnerability and honesty that gives the listener reason to play the song over and over...One of my favorite songs here.

"Jazz Pimp"  It is extremely is hard to spit poetry let alone rap on Jazz instrumentals...So to hear Dre tackle this is nothing short of amazing...he made it sound so easy it was definitely an exercise in "Chasing The Hi-Hat All Over The Track" If this song doesn't get you moving or at least're a zombie...simple and plain.

"Black Harmony" My personal favorite...N-Omega and Hellfire provide a grim landscape for Dre and Special Guests..Wooten and Black Collar Biz to give the listener stark tales of life with a tinge of righteousness in between...all three give stellar performances I wish it was longer.

"Justice Served"- With the current events of police brutality and senseless acts of barbary on their behalf it was fitting that a song with the concept of cop getting his come-uppence at the hands of a community that is tired of being abused. Dre and Chadd Downing trade verses on how the plan is executed.. No Pun Intended.

"Old School Back" Has Wooten hop back in the fray..and the pair proceed to GO OFF!...After the timely scratches and a slight screwed voice...Dre jumps back in and puts the nail in the coffin with a standout closing verse.

"Not Her"- The mature side of Dre Skuffs...after all the gruff and grim tales from the previous songs...its was a needed change of pace as he paints a picture of a man that has learned from his mistakes and has decided to settle down with the woman he loves and be honest with and true to her.

"Vent" My other personal favorite..Each verse tackles the themes of death and jail. An honest account of  losing his man to the penal system and how close they were and still remain to this day. The next his about his father who only wanted the best for his son and even thought the younger days brought heartache and pain..Dre assures his father that all the lessons that were bestowed upon him did not go in vein as he speaks to him at his headstone.

"24/7" Is ANOTHER favorite...I don't know if I'm just a sucker for live instrumentation but this song is crazy.. N-Omega trades some bars with Dre and then throws the alley-oop. Dre then proceeds to rolls up his sleeves goes hard with he bars here..Dre's flow is relentless on this song and it seems here that he is most comfortable with this really shows...The song then morphs into a flat out jam session...I love it.

"Live Free" Is The album's closing track..after that sonic high from the previous song...This is the mellow additive that brings your heart rate down after a intense cardio regimen..It really rounds up the albums nicely and brings it to a satisfying close.

In ending...Chill Pill 2 is a record for the listener...Its not single driven and is a COMPLETE body of  work. From start to finish the album never loses steam and has a real cohesive vibe throughout the entire project. Every feature was well placed and played an integral part in making the vision that is Chill Pill 2 come to life...The Production was phenomenal and once again held every track together in a cohesive way. Listening to this album I could tell it was a labor of love and a tremendous amount of hard work and care into its making...If you're looking for an album of substance and content...lyrics..and all around good vibes...Look no further...just press play and Chill.....

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